The Eclipse IDE delivers what you need to rapidly innovate
Supports Java 23 and provides the necessary tooling for development.
Enhanced code folding for control statements, custom formatters for Java primitives and arrays, options to view exception stack traces directly in Variables view, and new cleanup and quick-fix options for Java 21 onwards.
Features a huge variety of platform plugins that will ease the addition of new functionality.
Enhanced light theme with a lightweight tab design and flat look, Edge replacing the now outdated Internet Explorer as the default browser, and an improved search filter in Import/Export as well as Show View to support category names.
Free and open source released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
Eclipse CDT 12 introduces a new editing experience based on the language server protocol and integrating clangd, allowing CDT to support modern C++ standards. CDT 12 also includes significant improvements to the CMake integration.
More and more, the Eclipse IDE is powered by individual contributors around the world.